Thursday, January 2, 2020

Trujillo Family News 2019 (Late Edition)


Happy New Year (the last one sucked)

I am off to a late start this year but have decided to spend no more than 24 hours in writing this year's update. Let's get started.

For those of you unfamiliar with the format of the newsletter, here are a few items to refresh your memory. I will refer to my children and grandchildren by number (I can't remember all 16 of their names and don't expect you to either).  I believe this is an efficient way to keep track. Oldest is #1, his children are #1.1 and #1.2. His wife is #1G. You get the point.

Pillow Talk

During the summer of 2018, my mother was having serious health problems (this was sucky, but it does have a funny and happy ending). I flew to Baltimore to be with my family; it was looking grim for Mom. My mother will refuse a Band-Aid® unless she is the one who puts it on; many medical treatments, therefore, are off the table.

She believes in euthanasia and has expressed her desire to die with dignity.  Jokingly (I hope), my mother has tasked each of us use a pillow to end her life when the time comes (we call it "pillow talk"). She assures us that she will do the same for us when the time comes.  I need to leave an "I'm just napping" note on my chest when resting on the couch at my parents' home to avoid any confusion on the pillow matter.

With this in mind, my mother is in a very weakened state at the hospital and moans out "hospice." Somehow, the entire medical community in Baltimore makes it happen. The only problem was - my mother was not dying, and we later discovered it would be hard to convince the medical professionals of this fact.

While in the hospital, the doctors discovered that she was eating Tums by the bushel.  Her calcium levels were off the chart, and her "plumbing" was not working (we don't talk about bodily functions in my family) and close to failure.

My mother was then discharged from the hospital and sent home to start hospice.  A real hospital bed arrives at my parents' home and is placed in the middle of the living room. My father is given a detailed list of instructions and a mystery box that is placed in the refrigerator. The contents of the box are not known, but we are told when the time comes, open the box, and follow the directions. Sound pretty ominous to me.

It turns out that the saline solution in the hospital seemed to have helped the plumbing issue.  A few days at home in the "hospice" bed gave her the rest she needed and restored her enough to sit up and get around the house. Soon we even went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant.  We could tell she was getting better since my father was getting on her nerves, and she retaliated with a round of heavy teasing.

It was easy to get my mother into hospice.  However, she did not cooperate (she did not die in other words), which makes getting out of hospice so difficult (hospice is designed to end differently). None of the medical professionals knew how to exit the program, and it took a bit of convincing for them to collect her bed.

They did not collect that mystery box, however, and my mother has decided to keep it in case my father steps out of line.

BAND-AID® is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson (just in case they are listening in).


We are increasing the number of Trujillos in this world, and the latest member of the team is #2.4. He is called Dean and belongs to Son #2 (he is called Todd) and daughter-in-law #2G (she is called Jessica). I discovered that I can only play with toddlers for about 10 minutes before I get bored.  I did make a great video welcoming Dean to this world.  I hope you enjoy it. (Video Link)

The couple apparently feels that their 4 children, 2 dogs, and a cat are not enough in their lives and will be expecting a girl in early 2020. #2.5 will be my 8th grandchild.

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you know that I have a soft spot in my heart for youngest granddaughter (#5.1 - Sarah). I discovered that being around boys for most of my life (I have only brothers and sons) that granddaughters are pretty damn special.

My oldest granddaughter (#2.1) was my favorite for years until she got older and bored with me. Sarah is her replacement and is now my favorite. I get criticized for picking favorites, but I argue that I am only stating what most of you are too chicken to admit. Picking out a favorite gives the other grandchildren motivation to work their way up.

Recently Sarah was a bit sassy to me, and I reminded her that a new baby was coming into the family in January. Sarah quickly figured out that her top ranking was in jeopardy and straightened right up.  It really works!

Thomas John Trujillo - April 10, 1968 - September 25, 2019

This next story really sucks but important to tell. My little brother, Tommy, ended his life tragically and suddenly. It still hurts to talk about it, but many funny stories came out of this tragedy.  I find it helps to cope.

Tommy was the youngest of the 4 brothers, which meant that we thought he was spoiled, and he felt he was mistreated.  He would often complain about some kind of inequity growing up. "Dad, how come Mike gets to sit in the front seat." You get the idea.

Tommy suffered from mental illness - something many families have a hard time dealing with. It turns out, our family is not very good at grieving either. We tend to avoid any kind of memorial ceremony.  We did not grow up in a religious family, and many of us are uncomfortable in a church.  The script we follow when a family member dies is to quietly get the loved one's body, head to the crematorium, then head back home with the box (morbid but true).   With our script in hand, we all head to Iowa to get Tommy and bring him back to Maryland quickly. What we did not anticipate is just how awesome the people in Iowa were.

The first night in Iowa, we meet the Ropas who were biking buddies of Tommy (Harley kind of bikes --- not Schwinns). We laughed, cried, and we all took a shot of a horrible whiskey in honor of Tom.
The hero of our visit was Tammy (Tommy's ex-wife).  She helped our family in so many ways and suggested a funeral home to handle Tommy's remains.  She helped to set up a last-minute memorial service;  before we knew it, we were off the script.  The service was wonderful, and something our family needed to do.  Thank you so much, Tammy!

We were then wrestling with the details about next steps and somehow had a debate about the size of the box that would contain Tommy's ashes.  There was a LONG discussion on the topic (we almost bet on it).  This went on over several days.

Finally we are back on the family script. My father drives us to pick up Tommy's ashes, and Dad is pleased to have correctly estimated the size of the box.  My brother Jim places Tommy into a bag, then into a larger piece of luggage, and straps Tommy into the back middle seat next to me.  "Dad", I whined, "Tommy is hogging up the back seat."  Some things never change.

We will miss Tommy, and take joy in knowing that he has a place in the hearts of so many people.  Tommy is also a Baltimore Ravens fan, and I think he might try to see if he can help them win the Super Bowl this year.

Note:  The picture of the Trujillo jersey is a gift from Tommy’s son Matthew.  It is framed and proudly hanging in my brother Jim’s bar in downtown Baltimore.
This year’s edition of the Trujillo Family News is using the purple and gold of the Baltimore Ravens in honor of Tommy.

Mike's Sucky and Nice List for 2019

You should always look for the good in all things and avoid complaining.  If you must complain (and I must), then start off by saying something nice.

😃 Nice List
😩 Sucky List
Boy Scouts
The youth themselves.  I love
working with the scouts and
have done so for 25 years!
The Boy Scout Organization -
I was hoping to start a training
business, but am blocked by
Boy Scouts of America. 
Mister Rogers
I've looked forward all year to
seeing Tom Hanks star as
Mister Rogers -
I was not disappointed.
Nothing here --- Mister Rogers
and Tom Hanks rule.
Lost weight this year after an
aggressive diet and exercise
program and fit in my skinny
Let my guard down since
Thanksgiving, and my pants
no longer fit.
Current Affairs
& Politics
People are excited about
the country and politics!
Talking to people who are
overly excited about politics.
Not trying to be holier than thou,
I am just really into God,
especially after Tommy’s death.
Organized Religion - I served
on a church committee this
year and discovered
unholy people. 

Addendum - Trujillo Decimal System -  Decoder Ring


#1 - Paul
#1G -

#2 - Todd
#2G - Jessica
#3 - Patrick
#3G - Daniele

#4 - Aaron

#5 - Adam
#5G -Brenna2

1 - Gracelyn is expected to arrive to a full house in January 2020.
2 - Brenna and Adam are separated.  She is still part of our lives but surrenders her number once the divorce is finalized.  This is one of the rules of the Trujillo Decimal System.
3 - Currently the favorite grandchild - but I am always open to replacements.

(click to open)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Trujillo Family News

Its here!

It took only 5 years, but the latest edition of the Trujillo Family News is out and hot off the presses.  Here are a few highlights:

  1. Did you know I number my children?  If so, then you will want to learn about the new numbering system I am using.
  2. Do you play Pokemon Go?  Well, you will want to read about Mike's idea for a new type of game for older adults.
  3. See how I combine demonic creatures, death, Mother Teresa, and the loveable Snoopy into a story about weiner dogs.

We have 3 gifts for you.

Please feel free to reach out to me to receive this in PRINTED form (I can mail you a copy).

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

/Mike & Connie

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Christmas in Easter

The 2012 Christmas Letter is now ready for your Easter reading.  

You see, I decided to combine the two big religious holidays into ONE great newsletter.  I know it's 3 months late but better late than never.


Please feel free to contact me if you can't figure out how to download or want me to mail you a printed copy.

Happy Reading.

The Perfect Storm

Here is a tale to two converging strange habits (well, old age being the third).

The Perfect Storm

I try to deny my strange habits but sometimes you have to man up and admit your flaws.  I am a bit anal-retentive (I spent 5 minutes looking online to see if it's spelled with a hyphen or not). 

My first strange habit is really not that strange at all.  I have been married for 30 years (co-habitating for 32) so I have had a small round metal object wrapped around my left ring finger for all that time (wedding ring in case you are wondering).  We purchased the ring when we were poor college students so it's not fancy.  In fact, it was on sale and was actually too big for my finger.  I don't know if we bought it out of cheapness or planning ahead (my fingers at 21 vs 81 will be quite different).  So we also put a spacer on the finger so it would fit my skinny 21-year old fingers.

Over the years my fingers started to grow (well, more like swell) and the spacer needed to be removed and eventually that big ring became too small.  As I was increasing in size (the ring was not) I started to fret that the ring would get stuck on my finger.  So, I started a daily ritual of constantly spinning and twisting the ring to ensure it could clear the knuckles and not get stuck. 

Several years later I lost weight and the ring was no longer a problem, but the daily checking continued.  I associate this more of a daily reminder on how much I love my wife, but the habit is still based on my anal-retentive tendencies.

So, there is a second habit that I have that has nothing to do with the first except that it too is anal-retentive in nature. This is about keys.  For some reason I get neurotic about my keys.  I blame this problem on my wife (of course) because in my mind she does not keep track of her keys that well.  She spreads her keys across many key chains (very anti-anal-retentive which should not have two hyphens but I will not look that up right now).  Years ago she often would misplace important keys yet still have a box full of keys/key chains of unknown origin; I was going to be different. 

I compensate for her by keeping a master set of keys all on one key chain (I call the Master Set).  When I started this practice it was to ensure we had at backup in case she ever lost an important key.  This Master Set comes in sections so I can temporarily pull away an important key and quickly reattach to the Master Set so harmony can be restored.  While the keys are separated I am a little anxious. 

The Master Set is our only protection against irresponsible and negligent people who can't seem to find their keys.  I created a list of "rules" with my keys that must never be broken to protect us from doom.

  • I keep the keys in one or two locations that ONLY I know.  The permanent location is in my briefcase (top middle zipped pocket) - but don't tell anyone.
  • I avoid separating keys from the Master Set - and when I do I am diligent about reuniting them quickly (there are more "rules" here but if I tell them you will know that I am insane).
  • I avoid "loaning" the keys to a spouse or offspring.  They, after all, have a history of loosing or misplacing keys while I do not.
The Master Set of keys is now become a small bundle of metal and most keys are of unknown origin (I think I still have a set of keys for a summer camp foot locker from 1999 - no joke). The only keys I really need are a key to my church (rarely used since it's mostly open all the time), a key to my house (very rarely used since we never lock the house) and the mailbox key. This last key is the most highest sacred key on all the Master Set. Over the last several years we have continually misplaced one of our mailbox keys.  So my key, the Sacred Key-of-the-Mailbox, is the most guarded key of all.

Now, a "perfect storm" usually involve 3 separate actions that converge in one location.  My third habit is not really a habit - it is just getting old. 

Last week I could not find my keys.  I mean they were no where to be found.  I triple checked the standard locations and went thru coats, pants, etc and could not find them anywhere.  So I reconstructed the previous days events to see if I could remember.  Anal-retentive people work well from checklists and I had a mental list in my mind.

  1. Keys were removed from the middle zipped pocket of the briefcase and placed in special pouch on my bike bag (I rode my bike to the mailbox.  I have a different checklist for using the bike.)
  2. The bike bag (we bikers call them panniers) are then attached to the bike.
  3. I ride to the mailbox cluster, lean my bike against the wall closest to our mail box slot.
  4. I remove the Master Set of keys, find the Sacred Key-of-the-Mailbox, insert the key into the lock (Add item to checklist, the key is sticking in the lock so I need to bring some WD40 next time).
  5. I retrieve the mail and place the mail in my pouch/pannier and ….
  6. Return the Master Set back into the middle zipper pocket.

I am rattling off the checklist in my mind and recalling doing all the steps above, all except for the last one.  The keys are not in the pannier - damn.

I ride to the mailbox and sure enough, someone found the keys and placed them on the counter in the mailbox cluster. I lost the whole set, the Master Set AND the Sacred Key-of-the-Mailbox, for nearly 24 hours.  Oh the shame….

So that is not the conclusion to the story.

Yesterday I went to the mailbox to retrieve mail and decided to avoid the previous disaster and only bring the Sacred Key-of-the-Mailbox.  The key is small and thin so I added one of those circle key rings that are about an inch in diameter. This gives the key a bit more bulk to I can feel the key is in my pocket.  I am more relaxed but still check my pocket during the day - as a reminder that the Sacred Key needs to be reunited with the Master Set so that we can maintain world order.

The day turns to night and I start to change into my night clothes (more manly than pajamas) I need to take the Sacred Key out of my pants pocket and reunite it with the Master Set that is on the other side of the house.  I decided to wait (too tired & lazy) so I needed to hold on to the Sacred Key of the Mailbox and keep it close to me.  But where should I put it?  My pajamas and robe have pockets designed to loose stuff, so I decide to "wear" the key ring as a ring on my finger.  The trouble is the key ring is much too big and I know I would loose the key.  So, I decided to loop in my wedding ring into the key ring so the Sacred Key of the Mailbox would dangle from my wedding ring.  I am simply BRILLIANT.

I am enjoying my evening, there is peace in the world since the Sacred Key is safe and sound.  I am enjoying a little TV and end up falling asleep in the lounge chair and the rest of the evening is a bit blurry.

This morning got up early and rushed to a professional gathering at a local coffee shop.  I am walking to the counter to get a cup of coffee and instinctively I grab my wedding ring to give it a twist and flex except my ring is GONE.  I start to panic.  Now I was pretty tired last night so I don't remember exactly what happened. After going through my mental checklist, I remember the Sacred Key… then I remember the wedding ring… then I think "Holy Crap, I lost BOTH of these."

I run to my brief case, dig for the middle zipper pocket, and this is what I find:

Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Update - It's FINALLY Done

The 2011 Christmas Letter / Family Update is FINALLY done. There are many traditions in my family but this letter tends to have several of its own:

  1. It NEVER comes out on time
  2. I often skip a year (did #1 and 2 this year)
  3. It gets longer (8 pages)
  4. It gets BIGGER (20MB - too big to email)
  5. Packed with humor (hopefully you will agree)


I am going to see if the electronic form will work for you - don't be shy if you feel that you need a printed copy or are not that tech savvy.

Happy Reading.

I also made several videos of the grandkids which you can see if you are on Facebook.

As a teaser - here is a remake of one of the originals. Friend me in Facebook and visit my video page for the lastest.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Family News - all the OLD stuff

I'm getting ready to send out an updated family news for 2011 and decided to re-post all the previous editions that I have laying around.

2008 - you can't click here because we had nothing to tell you
2010 - a fun year, too bad we did not write a letter.

The missing newsletters were designed to build up interest.

But some families are worse than ours. Funny (yet true) story. Some good friends make a family picture each year to send out to friends. It turns out that they've been making the picture cards for 8 years running but never bothered to send them out. So, last year we got an envelope with 8 years of greeting cards. Such a clever idea, and saves on postage too.